We are very proud to announce that TopLine Film is now ranked first in Clutch’s listing of UK  video production companies. The ranking is based on verified client reviews and we are delighted with our overall score of 4.9 stars.

A number of our clients spoke to Clutch, describing our work as “excellent”, “creative”, “impressive” and “streets ahead of everyone else”. Our team was called “cooperative,” “responsive”, “professional” and “supportive”.

TopLine’ Film’s CEO, Heather Baker, commented:

“Over the last decade we have delivered thousands of corporate videos, animations, training videos, commercials and social videos for clients ranging from Admiral Insurance to Johnson & Johnson. Our clients have always been delighted with the results, which is a real testament to the quality of our team.

“We’ve seen the industry become vastly more competitive since we made our first video back in 2010, but I am pleased that we continue to be recognised as the UK’s best video production company. At TopLine we do so much more than just make beautiful videos – we make beautiful videos that work hard for your business – by generating leads, building your profile, educating an audience or transforming an event. And we know that quality really matters when it comes to producing corporate videos.

“Well done to Jamie and the team for this excellent achievement!”

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