Video can be an excellent tool to support a marketing campaign. We like to record our video marketing strategies using this template which is available for download.

Our video marketing strategy template is a high-level document that you use to plan a video marketing campaign. It gets everyone from your CEO to your video production company or your social media team on the same page as why you are doing this campaign, including the purpose, the scale and timeframes. It’ll fast become an invaluable tool for getting your video campaigns working for your business.

Here are our instructions for how to use the template.


In this section, simply outline your primary objective. For a campaign for Definition, that could be

To highlight Definition’s expertise as a leading animation company.


Here’s where you include any relevant contextual factors (competitors, business environment, political changes etc). Bullet points are fine. For example:

  • Competing against cheap providers of whiteboard animations
  • Opportunity to showcase our own video skills


We like to distil our message into a short, impactful sentence. For example:

Whiteboard animations suck. Invest in quality animations.

Target Audience

Provide a few key bullet points about your target audience. There’s no need to go into huge detail here, just focus on the most relevant facts. For our campaign that might be:

  • UK-based
  • Marketing managers, execs and leaders in small-to-mid-sized businesses
  • Interested in whiteboard animation for a campaign or explainer


This section is the biggest for a reason. This is where you outline all the channels you will be using to promote this campaign, and why. For our campaign that could be:

  • Our website – keyword: “whiteboard animation company” (20 UK searches per month)
  • LinkedIn – native video
  • LinkedIn – sponsored content
  • YouTube – keyword: “whiteboard animation company” (100 UK searches per month)


Here’s where you summarise briefly what the video content will include. For our whiteboard animation campaign, that might be something like:

A whiteboard animation summarising why whiteboard animations simply don’t work and directing people to the Definition animation page as an alternative.

KPIs (3 months)

List your targets here. Make them realistic but worth going for. In our example, those might be:


You don’t need to go into a huge amount of detail here but it’s useful for whoever sees this strategy to understand the investment. In our whiteboard animation campaign we might complete this section with:

  • Creative: £500
  • Distribution: £1,000

That way we know that we have invested £1,500 and if we generate 10 leads our CPL is £150, which is a good target.


Finally, you want to clarify when this campaign will take place. Simply include the planning, launch and reporting dates. For example, in our whiteboard animation campaign that could be:

  • Planning: September 2019
  • Launch: 28 October 2019
  • Report: 29 January 2020

You can check out our whiteboard animation campaign.