Although there is just one month left until we make it to 2021, it’s not too late to enter several exciting corporate video awards. These (online) events are always a great way to network with likeminded video teams and get your work in front of some of the industry’s top people and potential clients – and if you’re lucky, you might even win. There are three awards open to entries this month, and the whole team here at Definition wishes you luck if you choose to enter any of them.

Media Post’s Creative Media Awards honour excellent work across the media industry. They believe that every step in the process, from buying and planning to strategy, is inherently creative and worthy of recognition – but don’t worry, there are plenty of awards for finished campaigns too. Categories include audio, data, creative, content marketing and many more. Check out Media Post on Twitter and enter by December 4th to be in with a chance of winning.

The Marketing Effectiveness Awards by Summit are all about innovation and results, recognising the value of work that exceeds the client’s criteria. While it’s easy to become overly focused on data, these awards ask one central question: “was the project effective?” If you think you’ve completed an effective project in broadcast advertising, collateral materials, videos, interactive media or any of the other categories, enter by December 4th. Check out the awards on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube to get an idea of the types of entrants that have succeeded in the past.

Dating back to 1996, The Webby Awards are one of the web’s oldest institutions. Every year, a panel of over 2,000 experts from the International Academy of Digital Arts and Sciences judges online excellence in a range of categories, many of which feature videos. Check out the Webby Awards accounts on Facebook, Twitter and Youtube to see some of the best content the internet has to offer. If you’ve produced work for the internet in categories like advertising, media or PR, among others, enter by December 18th for a chance to win a Webby.

Here at Definition, we are excited to toast this challenging year’s best work, and we’re eagerly watching these awards. If your business wants to create award-worthy video content, learn more about how Definition can help on our corporate video production page.

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