As a corporate video production company with an entire engineering PR agency attached to it, we  challenged our team of engineers, communicators, producers, directors, editors, animators and copywriters to trawl the web in search of the best engineering videos they could find. And they’ve compiled this list to inspire the industry.


2014 Corvette:


They said: The crisp black and white imagery along with great sound design really make this film stand out.

FMC recruitment film:


They said: Beautifully shot material matched with a compelling story lies at the heart of this film.

Atkins, ‘we need more Engineers’:

They said: We love this funny, cheeky animation with a catchy tune.

Shinya Kimura:


They said: It’s the sound design that did it for us on this one.

NorthWestern Engineering – “A Different Way of Thinking”:


They said: A pacey edit and nice graphics make this film very watchable.

Mercedes Benz Non-Stop Engineering:


They said: Excellent VFX and a solid creative concept keep propelling the piece.

Designed By Apple:


They said: Old but much copied animation. Brilliantly simple.

Science Museum – We Engineer:


They said: We love the interview setups in this – mostly in interesting locations.

Boeing Space:


They said: Top notch graphics make this film’s visuals really come alive.

Lossa Engineering:


They said: Gorgeous night-time and very filmic shots draw you in. And the superb piece of music makes it really compelling.

Wallpaper Factory:


They said: Beautifully shot footage delivers beauty, even in the grimy setting.


They said: Jeans manufacture raised to a gorgeous black and white art form.

The Bridges:


They said: Beautifully shot drone footage makes the Forth bridges seem very cinematic.

Wolf Engineering:


They said: Love the look of this clever animation, short but punchy – its look and feel deliver.

Made in Oakland:


They said: Music and visuals in harmony here, beautiful to look at and listen to.

Audi “Imagination Meets Engineering” by Blind:


They said: Gorgeous music video-style graphics.

The Engineering Machine:


They said: A lovely stop motion aesthetic married to a cool, offbeat track drives this appeal for more engineers

HMV Vinyl Engineering:


They said: Perfect mix of cool graphics and slickly edited footage of vinyl production.

Queen Elizabeth Prize for Engineering:


They said: Gorgeous colourful graphics in the short promo.

Lockheed Martin:


They said: This futuristic hype really has the high budget treatment, and looks amazing.

Smart Engineering:


They said: Great use of integrated graphics in this promo for Singapore’s proudest engineering feats.


So that’s our team’s pick of the best engineering videos on the web. If you work in this industry and you’re interested in creating a beautiful, impactful engineering video, then get in touch to discuss your project with a director.


Written by: Heather Baker, CEO